About TSCF

The Second Chance Foundation serves Scarborough, Toronto and GTA area’s marginalized, racialized, underhoused, unhoused, incarcerated, formerly incarcerated women and their children*, and women transitioning back into the community from the criminal justice system.

Give a gift of belonging and support. Donate to The Second Chance Foundation or speak to us how else you could help to make a difference in the lives of marginalized, racialized, incarcerated and former incarcerated women.

At The Second Chance Foundation many of our members and volunteers are women who have been previously incarcerated and struggled for acceptance after incarceration.

Pulling from the negative experiences collected from women’s transitions from prison to half-way houses and back into the Scarborough, Toronto and GTA community we gained keen understanding of difficulties experienced by these women in connection to their relations with their parole and probation officers and societal judgement. The system intended to reintegrate women back into society, unfortunately becomes found to fail to grapple with the issues of recidivism, lack of help and guidance for women, address of the woman’s role as key parent and children’s redirection into foster care with complexity of regaining custody upon release, lack of employment and training, as well as safe and affordable housing. The Second Chance Foundation seeks to improve conditions for marginalized, racialized, underhoused, unhoused, incarcerated and former incarcerated women and enable reintegration that would tangibly uphold material, social, cultural, as well as general wellbeing needs of these women.

* Youths, individuals who reached 18 years of age, assistance is available and addressed separately.
Prison stories

The Second Chance Foundation’s Prison stories are curated to provide better understanding of the incarceration experience and perplexities within the Canadian, United States and international justice system, as well as perspectives of various groups in their brush with the law.